175+ Star Wars Dog Names

Embark on an epic journey to a galaxy far, far away as we delve into the universe of Star Wars-inspired dog names. For those who share their homes with furry companions and also harbor a deep love for the iconic saga, finding the perfect name for your four-legged friend is a thrilling endeavor. In this article, we’ll traverse the expansive Star Wars universe, unveiling a collection of Star Wars dog names inspired by beloved characters, starships, and planets. Whether your canine is a noble Jedi, a fearless Rebel, or perhaps a mischievous Ewok, our carefully curated list promises to bring the force into your everyday life. Join us on this intergalactic quest as we explore a galaxy of Star Wars dog name ideas, each one destined to add a touch of cosmic adventure to your canine companion’s identity. May the naming force be with you!
Female Star Wars Dog Names

Star Wars is a great source of inspiration for naming your new furry friend, and female characters in the franchise are no exception. Here are some Star Wars dog names for female pups that are sure to be a hit:
- Leia – Named after the iconic Princess Leia Organa, this name is perfect for a strong and independent female pup.
- Ahsoka – Inspired by the fan-favorite character Ahsoka Tano, this name is perfect for a loyal and brave dog.
- Rey – This name is perfect for a dog with a mysterious and adventurous personality, just like the character it’s named after.
- Padmé – Named after the brave and kind-hearted Padmé Amidala, this name is perfect for a dog with a gentle and nurturing personality.
- Jyn – Inspired by the determined and fearless Jyn Erso, this name is perfect for a dog with a strong and adventurous spirit.
- Hera – Named after the skilled and resourceful Hera Syndulla, this name is perfect for a dog with a clever and loyal personality.
- Sabine – Inspired by the artistic and rebellious Sabine Wren, this name is perfect for a dog with a creative and adventurous spirit.
- Rose – Named after the kind and brave Rose Tico, this name is perfect for a dog with a gentle and compassionate personality.
- Maz – Inspired by the wise and mysterious Maz Kanata, this name is perfect for a dog with a curious and intelligent personality.
- Qi’ra – Named after the complex and cunning Qi’ra, this name is perfect for a dog with a clever and independent personality.
- Amilyn – Inspired by the quirky and wise Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo, this name is perfect for a dog with a unique and intelligent personality.
- Zorii – Named after the bold and resourceful Zorii Bliss, this name is perfect for a dog with a fearless and adventurous spirit.
- Asajj – Inspired by the fierce and cunning Asajj Ventress, this name is perfect for a dog with a strong and independent personality.
- Luminara – Named after the wise and noble Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, this name is perfect for a dog with a calm and intelligent personality.
- Shaak – Inspired by the gentle and compassionate Jedi Master Shaak Ti, this name is perfect for a dog with a kind and nurturing personality.
- Oola – Named after the beautiful and brave Twi’lek dancer Oola, this name is perfect for a dog with a graceful and adventurous spirit.
- Satine – Inspired by the elegant and peaceful Duchess Satine Kryze, this name is perfect for a dog with a gentle and loving personality.
- Aurra – Named after the ruthless and cunning bounty hunter Aurra Sing, this name is perfect for a dog with a fierce and independent spirit.
- Bazine – Inspired by the mysterious and dangerous Bazine Netal, this name is perfect for a dog with a clever and resourceful personality.
- Kira – Named after the determined and resourceful Kira Carsen, this name is perfect for a dog with a strong and adventurous spirit.
- Iden – Inspired by the brave and loyal Iden Versio, this name is perfect for a dog with a determined and independent personality.
- Aayla – Named after the skilled and fearless Jedi Knight Aayla Secura, this name is perfect for a dog with a strong and adventurous spirit.
- Jaina – Inspired by the powerful and determined Jedi Knight Jaina Solo, this name is perfect for a dog with a fearless and independent personality.
- Mara – Named after the skilled and resourceful Mara Jade, this name is perfect for a dog with a clever and independent personality.
- Sana – Inspired by the tough and cunning Sana Starros, this name is perfect for a dog with a fearless and resourceful personality.
- Shmi – Named after the kind and selfless Shmi Skywalker, this name is perfect for a dog with a gentle and nurturing personality.
- Syndulla – Inspired by the skilled and resourceful Hera Syndulla, this name is perfect for a dog with a clever and loyal personality.
- Taun – Named after the brave and loyal Taun We, this name is perfect for a dog with a determined and independent personality.
- Tiin – Inspired by the wise and noble Jedi Master Saesee Tiin, this name is perfect for a dog with a calm and intelligent personality.
- Traya – Named after the powerful and cunning Darth Traya, this name is perfect for a dog that is fierce.
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Male Star Wars Dog Names

If you’re looking for a Star Wars-inspired name for your male dog, you’re in luck. Here are some popular male Star Wars dog names to choose from:
- Anakin – Named after the young Jedi who eventually became Darth Vader.
- Boba Fett – After the infamous bounty hunter.
- Chewbacca – The lovable Wookiee and Han Solo’s co-pilot.
- Darth – A strong, one-word name inspired by the Sith Lord himself.
- Falcon – Named after the iconic Millennium Falcon spaceship.
- Han Solo – The charming and daring smuggler who became a hero of the Rebellion.
- Jabba – After the notorious gangster and crime lord.
- Jango – Named after the bounty hunter and father of Boba Fett.
- Kylo – Inspired by the conflicted villain from the sequel trilogy.
- Lando – After the suave and charismatic smuggler and gambler.
- Luke – The original trilogy’s protagonist and Jedi Knight.
- Obi-Wan – After the wise and powerful Jedi Master who trained Luke Skywalker.
- Poe – Named after the charismatic Resistance pilot.
- R2-D2 – The lovable astromech droid who played a vital role in the Rebel Alliance’s efforts.
- Sith – A strong and mysterious name inspired by the dark side of the Force.
- Skywalker – After the legendary Jedi family.
- Solo – For the dog who likes to go it alone.
- Trooper – A strong and bold name inspired by the soldiers of the Empire.
- Vader – After the iconic Sith Lord and father of Luke Skywalker.
- Wookiee – A fun and unique name inspired by Chewbacca’s species.
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Jedi Dog Names

For Star Wars fans who want to give their dogs a name that reflects their love for the Jedi, here are some Jedi-inspired dog names.
- Obi – Short for Obi-Wan Kenobi, a wise and experienced Jedi Master.
- Anakin – Named after Anakin Skywalker, a former Jedi who fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader.
- Luke – Named after Luke Skywalker, the protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy who becomes a Jedi Knight.
- Yoda – The wise and powerful Jedi Master who trained Luke Skywalker.
- Leia – Named after Princess Leia Organa, a key figure in the Rebel Alliance and later a Jedi.
- Ahsoka – A former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker who later became a powerful Jedi in her own right.
- Mace – Named after Mace Windu, a respected Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council.
- Ki-Adi – Short for Ki-Adi-Mundi, a member of the Jedi Council.
- Kit – Short for Kit Fisto, a skilled and powerful Jedi Master.
- Plo – Short for Plo Koon, a Jedi Master known for his unique breathing apparatus.
- Shaak – Short for Shaak Ti, a skilled Jedi Master who survived Order 66.
- Eeth – Short for Eeth Koth, a Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council.
- Quinlan – Named after Quinlan Vos, a Jedi Master with a troubled past.
- Depa – Short for Depa Billaba, a Jedi Master who trained Caleb Dume (later known as Kanan Jarrus).
- Kanan – Named after Kanan Jarrus, a Jedi who survived Order 66 and later became a mentor to Ezra Bridger.
- Ezra – Named after Ezra Bridger, a young Jedi who fought against the Empire.
- Cal – Short for Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan who survived Order 66 and later became a Jedi Knight.
- Jocasta – Named after Jocasta Nu, the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives.
- Aayla – A skilled Jedi Master and member of the Jedi Council.
- Luminara – Named after Luminara Unduli, a Jedi Master who fought in the Clone Wars.
- Barriss – Short for Barriss Offee, a former Padawan who turned to the dark side.
- Stass – Short for Stass Allie, a Jedi Master who fought in the Clone Wars.
- Jedi – A simple and straightforward name that reflects the dog’s connection to the Jedi Order.
- Force – Another simple name that reflects the dog’s connection to the Force, the energy field that binds the galaxy together.
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Animal, Droid, and Ewok Dog Names

Star Wars is known for its diverse range of creatures, droids, and aliens. Many of these characters make excellent inspiration for dog names. Here are 25 animal, droid, and Ewok names that any Star Wars fan would love for their furry companion:
- Bantha – A large, shaggy mammal often used as a mount by Tusken Raiders.
- Chopper – A grumpy, yet lovable astromech droid from the animated series “Star Wars Rebels.”
- Dewback – A large, reptilian mount often used by Imperial stormtroopers on desert planets.
- Ewok – The furry, diminutive inhabitants of the forest moon of Endor.
- Grievous – The cyborg general of the Separatist army in the Clone Wars.
- Jabba – The infamous Hutt crime lord who enslaved Princess Leia in “Return of the Jedi.”
- Jawa – The small, hooded scavengers who trade in droids and technology.
- K-2SO – The reprogrammed Imperial security droid who became a key member of the Rogue One team.
- Loth-cat – A small, feline creature native to the planet Lothal in “Star Wars Rebels.”
- Mynock – A bat-like creature that feeds on the power systems of spaceships.
- Nerf – A domesticated animal often used for its meat and milk.
- Porg – The adorable, puffin-like creatures that inhabit the planet Ahch-To in “The Last Jedi.”
- Rancor – A massive, carnivorous creature often used for entertainment in Jabba’s palace.
- Rathtar – A tentacled, carnivorous creature that preys on ships and their crews.
- Sarlacc – A monstrous, pit-dwelling creature that slowly digests its prey over a thousand years.
- Tauntaun – A furry, horned mount often used by Rebels on the ice planet Hoth.
- Thrawn – The brilliant, blue-skinned Imperial Grand Admiral from the “Thrawn” novel series.
- TIE – The iconic Imperial starfighter that resembles a bowtie.
- Tusken – The nomadic, masked warriors who inhabit desert planets like Tatooine.
- Wampa – A fierce, carnivorous creature that inhabits the ice planet Hoth.
- Wedge – The skilled Rebel pilot who flew alongside Luke Skywalker in the Battle of Yavin.
- Wicket – The brave Ewok who helped Leia and the Rebels defeat the Empire on Endor.
- Yoda – The wise and powerful Jedi Master who trained Luke Skywalker.
- Zuckuss – The insectoid bounty hunter who worked alongside 4-LOM in “The Empire Strikes Back.”
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Dog Names from Iconic Star Wars Planets

Star Wars is known for its iconic planets, each with its unique culture, creatures, and landscapes. Here are some dog names inspired by some of the most famous Star Wars planets.
Tatooine is a desert planet and home to some of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe. Here are some dog names inspired by Tatooine:
- Anakin: Named after Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One who later became Darth Vader.
- Jawa: Named after the small, hooded creatures that scavenge the deserts of Tatooine.
- Lars: Named after the Lars family, who took care of Luke Skywalker after his parents died.
- Shmi: Named after Shmi Skywalker, Anakin’s mother.
Jakku is a desert planet and the site of a pivotal battle in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Here are some dog names inspired by Jakku:
- Rey: Named after the scavenger-turned-Jedi who played a crucial role in defeating the First Order.
- Teedo: Named after the scavenger species that roams the deserts of Jakku.
- Unkar: Named after Unkar Plutt, the junk dealer who owned Rey’s salvaged starfighter.
Naboo is a lush, green planet and the homeworld of Padmé Amidala. Here are some dog names inspired by Naboo:
- Amidala: Named after Padmé Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo and a key figure in the Clone Wars.
- Jar Jar: Named after Jar Jar Binks, the Gungan who helped Padmé and the Jedi during the Clone Wars.
- Naboo: Named after the planet itself.
Hoth is a frozen planet and the site of the Rebel Alliance’s base in The Empire Strikes Back. Here are some dog names inspired by Hoth:
- Echo: Named after Echo Base, the Rebel Alliance’s base on Hoth.
- Hoth: Named after the planet itself.
- Tauntaun: Named after the furry, two-legged creatures that the Rebels rode on Hoth.
Yavin is a jungle planet and the site of the Rebel Alliance’s base in A New Hope. Here are some dog names inspired by Yavin:
- Cassian: Named after Cassian Andor, the Rebel Alliance intelligence officer who helped steal the Death Star plans.
- Gold Leader: Named after Jon Vander, the leader of Gold Squadron during the Battle of Yavin.
- Yavin: Named after the planet itself.
Endor is a forest moon and the site of the Battle of Endor in Return of the Jedi. Here are some dog names inspired by Endor:
- Ewok: Named after the furry, teddy bear-like creatures that helped the Rebels defeat the Empire.
- Logray: Named after the Ewok shaman who helped the Rebels on Endor.
- Wicket: Named after the Ewok who befriended Princess Leia.
Bespin is a gas giant and the site of Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back. Here are some dog names inspired by Bespin:
- Bespin: Named after the planet itself.
- Lando: Named after Lando Calrissian, the former owner of Cloud City.
- Ugnaught: Named after the small, pig-like creatures that worked in Cloud City’s mining operations.
Corellia is a planet known for its shipyards and its most famous smuggler, Han Solo. Here are some dog names inspired by Corellia:
- Chewie: Named after Han Solo’s loyal Wookiee companion, Chewbacca.
- Corellian: Named after the planet itself and the people who hail from it.
- Han: Named after Han Solo, the legendary smuggler who made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.
Mandalore is a planet known for its warrior culture and its famous bounty hunters. Here are some dog names inspired by Mandalore:
- Boba: Named after Boba Fett, the most famous bounty hunter in the galaxy.
- Mandalorian: Named after the people of Mandalore and their warrior culture.
- Sabine: Named after Sabine Wren, the Mandalorian warrior and artist who fought against the Empire.
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Dog Names from Star Wars Spaceships and Vehicles
Star Wars is well-known for its iconic spaceships and vehicles. These machines are not only essential to the story, but they also make great names for your furry friend. Here are some Star Wars dog names inspired by spaceships and vehicles:
- Falcon – The Millennium Falcon is the famous spaceship piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca. It’s a great name for a dog who is fast and agile.
- Starship – This name is simple and straightforward, but it’s perfect for a dog who loves to explore and travel.
- AT-AT – The All Terrain Armored Transport, or AT-AT, is a massive Imperial vehicle used to transport troops and equipment. This name is perfect for a big, strong dog who is always ready for action.
- X-Wing – The X-Wing is a classic Rebel starfighter used in many battles against the Empire. This name is perfect for a dog who is brave and always ready to take on a challenge.
- TIE Fighter – The TIE Fighter is a fast and agile Imperial starfighter. This name is perfect for a dog who is quick on their feet and loves to run.
- Speeder Bike – Speeder Bikes are small, fast vehicles used for scouting and transportation. This name is perfect for a dog who loves to run and explore.
- Slave I – Slave I is the infamous ship used by the bounty hunter Boba Fett. This name is perfect for a dog who is tough and determined.
- Lambda-class Shuttle – The Lambda-class Shuttle is a versatile Imperial transport used for a variety of missions. This name is perfect for a dog who is adaptable and can handle any situation.
- Imperial Cruiser – Imperial Cruisers are massive warships used by the Empire to assert their dominance. This name is perfect for a dog who is strong and powerful.
- Naboo Starfighter – The Naboo Starfighter is a sleek and elegant ship used by the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. This name is perfect for a dog who is graceful and sophisticated.
- Jedi Starfighter – The Jedi Starfighter is a small and agile ship used by Jedi Knights in the Clone Wars. This name is perfect for a dog who is quick and nimble.
- Tantive IV – The Tantive IV is the ship used by Princess Leia to transport the stolen Death Star plans. This name is perfect for a dog who is brave and resourceful.
- B-Wing Fighter – The B-Wing Fighter is a Rebel starfighter used in many battles against the Empire. This name is perfect for a dog who is tough and resilient.
- Imperial Star Destroyer – Imperial Star Destroyers are massive warships used by the Empire to enforce their rule. This name is perfect for a dog who is strong and dominant.
- A-Wing Fighter – The A-Wing Fighter is a fast and agile Rebel starfighter. This name is perfect for a dog who is quick and nimble.
- Y-Wing Fighter – The Y-Wing Fighter is a Rebel starfighter used for bombing and reconnaissance missions. This name is perfect for a dog who is brave and adventurous.
- Naboo Cruiser – The Naboo Cruiser is a beautiful and elegant ship used by the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. This name is perfect for a dog who is sophisticated and refined.
- TIE Interceptor – The TIE Interceptor is a fast and deadly Imperial starfighter. This name is perfect for a dog who is quick and agile.
- Republic Cruiser – Republic Cruisers are elegant and powerful ships used by the Galactic Republic. This name is perfect for a dog who is strong and noble.
- Death Star – The Death Star is the infamous Imperial battle station capable of destroying entire planets. This name is perfect for a dog who is powerful and dominant.
- AT-ST – The All Terrain Scout Transport, or AT-ST, is a smaller version of the AT-AT used for reconnaissance and support. This name is perfect for a dog who is agile and quick.
- TIE Bomber – The TIE Bomber is an Imperial starfighter used for bombing missions. This name is perfect for a dog who is tough and resilient.
- Naboo N-1 Starfighter – The Naboo N-1 Starfighter is a sleek and elegant ship used by the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. This name is perfect for a dog who is graceful and refined.
- Imperial Shuttle – Imperial Shuttles are versatile transports used by the Empire for a variety of missions. This name is perfect for a dog who is adaptable and resourceful.
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Dog Names Inspired By Star Wars Actors

Star Wars has an outstanding cast of actors who have brought the characters to life on the big screen. Here are some Star Wars-inspired dog names based on the actors who played the iconic roles:
- Harrison – Harrison Ford played Han Solo, one of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars franchise.
- Mark – Mark Hamill portrayed Luke Skywalker, the hero of the original trilogy.
- Carrie – Carrie Fisher played Princess Leia, the fearless leader of the Rebel Alliance.
- Daisy – Daisy Ridley starred as Rey, the protagonist of the sequel trilogy.
- Adam – Adam Driver played Kylo Ren, the conflicted villain of the sequel trilogy.
- John – John Boyega portrayed Finn, a former stormtrooper turned hero.
- Oscar – Oscar Isaac played Poe Dameron, the daring pilot of the Resistance.
- Lupita – Lupita Nyong’o voiced Maz Kanata, the wise and mysterious alien.
- Domhnall – Domhnall Gleeson played General Hux, the ruthless commander of the First Order.
- Andy – Andy Serkis provided the motion capture and voice for Supreme Leader Snoke, the enigmatic leader of the First Order.
- Ian – Ian McDiarmid portrayed Emperor Palpatine, the ultimate villain of the Star Wars saga.
- James – James Earl Jones provided the iconic voice of Darth Vader, one of the most recognizable characters in film history.
- Peter – Peter Mayhew played Chewbacca, the loyal and furry co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon.
- Anthony – Anthony Daniels portrayed C-3PO, the protocol droid who has been a part of the Star Wars universe since the beginning.
- Kenny – Kenny Baker played R2-D2, the spunky astromech droid who has saved the day countless times.
- Billy – Billy Dee Williams played Lando Calrissian, the smooth-talking smuggler and friend of Han Solo.
- Ahmed – Ahmed Best played Jar Jar Binks, the controversial Gungan who made his debut in Episode I.
- Frank – Frank Oz provided the voice and puppetry for Yoda, the wise Jedi Master who trained Luke Skywalker.
- Alec – Alec Guinness portrayed Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi Master who mentored both Anakin and Luke Skywalker.
- Ewan – Ewan McGregor played a younger version of Obi-Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy.
- Hayden – Hayden Christensen portrayed Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Knight who fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader.
- Natalie – Natalie Portman played Padmé Amidala, the queen and senator who fell in love with Anakin Skywalker.
- Samuel – Samuel L. Jackson played Mace Windu, the Jedi Master with a purple lightsaber.
- Christopher – Christopher Lee portrayed Count Dooku, the Sith Lord who was once a Jedi.
These names pay tribute to the talented actors who have brought the Star Wars characters to life. Whether you have a new puppy or a rescue dog, one of these names could be the perfect fit for your furry friend.