150+ Star Dog Names

Choosing a name for your new furry friend is a significant decision. If you’re fascinated by the night sky, constellations, or astrology, naming your dog after a celestial body can be a wonderful way to celebrate your interests. Here’s a guide to star-inspired dog names, with options ranging from those directly borrowed from the heavens to those inspired by the broader cosmos and astrology.

Dog Names Inspired by Stars

  • Sirius – The brightest star in the night sky, known as the “Dog Star.”
  • Vega – After the fifth brightest star in the sky, part of the Lyra constellation.
  • Rigel – A bright star in the constellation Orion, representing the hunter’s foot.
  • Altair – The twelfth brightest star, located in the constellation Aquila.
  • Antares – Often referred to as the “heart of the scorpion” in the Scorpius constellation.
  • Orion – Named after the prominent constellation, ideal for a strong dog.
  • Lyra – After the constellation housing Vega, representing the lyre of Orpheus.
  • Polaris – Known as the North Star, a steadfast and guiding light.
  • Castor – One of the twins represented in the Gemini constellation.
  • Pollux – Castor’s twin, also in Gemini, perfect for a pair of dogs.
  • Bellatrix – Means “female warrior,” a bright star in Orion.
  • Aldebaran – A red giant star in the constellation Taurus.
  • Capella – The sixth brightest star in the sky, located in the constellation Auriga.
  • Spica – The brightest star in the constellation Virgo, symbolizing the ear of grain.
  • Regulus – Known as the “little king,” a bright star in Leo.
  • Arcturus – The fourth brightest star, located in the constellation Boötes.
  • Betelgeuse – A red supergiant in Orion, famously known for its brightness.
  • Deneb – A part of the Summer Triangle, located in the constellation Cygnus.
  • Fomalhaut – The brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus.
  • Procyon – Part of the Little Dog constellation, a neighbor to Sirius.
  • Achernar – The ninth brightest star, located at the end of the Eridanus river.
  • Alphard – Known as “the solitary one” in the constellation Hydra.
  • Mira – A star in Cetus, known for its changing brightness.
  • Suhail – A bright star in the constellation Vela, meaning “glorious.”
  • Canopus – The second brightest star in the night sky, located in Carina.
  • Alnilam – Part of Orion’s belt, a name for a dog with a majestic presence.
  • Alnitak – Another star in Orion’s belt, great for a companion to Alnilam.
  • Mintaka – The third star in Orion’s belt, completing the trio.
  • Vindemiatrix – A yellow giant in the Virgo constellation, symbolizing the grape gatherer.
  • Electra – A star in the Pleiades, perfect for a bright and lively dog.
  • Maia – Another member of the Pleiades, suitable for a nurturing pet.
  • Atlas – A star in the Pleiades, and a name for a strong, supportive dog.
  • Alcyone – The brightest star in the Pleiades cluster.
  • Merope – A star in the Pleiades, ideal for a dog with a gentle nature.
  • Taygeta – Part of the Pleiades, named after one of the seven sisters.
  • Celaeno – A star in the Pleiades, for a dog with a mysterious allure.
  • Sterope – Another Pleiades star, suited for a dog with a striking appearance.
  • Calypso – Named after a moon of Saturn, for a dog with a captivating charm.
  • Helios – Inspired by the sun god, for a radiant and warm companion.
  • Selene – Named after the moon goddess, perfect for a dog with a gentle glow.

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Celestial Dog Names

  • Luna – Latin for “moon,” a name for a dog with a luminous presence.
  • Sol – The sun in Spanish, perfect for a vibrant and energetic dog.
  • Galaxy – For a dog with a personality as expansive and fascinating as the cosmos.
  • Comet – A celestial object with a bright tail, ideal for a fast and lively dog.
  • Meteor – For a dog that’s fast and fiery, just like a shooting star.
  • Eclipse – A unique name for a dog with a striking and distinctive appearance.
  • Nebula – After the interstellar cloud of dust and gas, for a dog with a mystical aura.
  • Aurora – After the northern lights, for a dog with a colorful and vibrant personality.
  • Cosmo – Symbolizing the universe, for a dog with an out-of-this-world character.
  • Halo – A ring of light, perfect for a dog with a divine presence.
  • Orbit – For a dog that revolves around you, always by your side.
  • Nova – A star that suddenly becomes brighter, for a dog that lights up your life.
  • Pulsar – A highly magnetized, rotating neutron star, for a dog with a powerful presence.
  • Quasar – For a dog with a high-energy and dynamic personality.
  • Satellite – For a loyal companion that’s always following you.
  • Stardust – Perfect for a dog with a magical and enchanting quality.
  • Astro – A nod to the stars and beyond, for an adventurous dog.
  • Vortex – For a dog with a whirlwind of energy.
  • Zenith – The point in the sky directly above, perfect for a dog that’s the top of your world.
  • Nadir – Opposite of zenith, for a dog that grounds you.
  • Meridian – For a dog that represents a high point in your life.
  • Equinox – For a dog that brings balance to your life.
  • Solstice – For a dog that shines the brightest in your life.
  • Cosmic – For a dog with an otherworldly beauty and grace.
  • Galileo – After the astronomer, for a dog with a curious and exploring nature.
  • Kepler – Named after the German astronomer, perfect for a dog with a keen sense of discovery.
  • Hubble – After the space telescope, for a dog with a vast view of the world.
  • Sagan – Named after Carl Sagan, for a dog with an inquisitive and imaginative spirit.
  • Tycho – After Tycho Brahe, for a dog with a strong and steadfast character.
  • Copernicus – For a dog that’s at the center of your universe.
  • Newton – After Sir Isaac Newton, for a dog with a grounding presence.

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Cosmic Dog Names

  • Andromeda – After the galaxy nearest to our own, for a dog with a strong and majestic presence.
  • Leo – Named after the constellation, perfect for a brave and noble dog.
  • Phoenix – After the mythical bird and constellation, for a dog symbolizing renewal and resilience.
  • Lyra – For a dog with a harmonious and melodious character, inspired by the constellation.
  • Cassiopeia – After the constellation named for the vain queen, for a dog with a regal bearing.
  • Draco – Named after the dragon constellation, for a dog with a fierce and protective nature.
  • Ursa – Meaning “bear,” inspired by the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.
  • Vulpecula – After the constellation meaning “little fox,” for a clever and adaptable dog.
  • Corvus – Named after the constellation representing a crow, for a smart and cunning dog.
  • Cygnus – After the swan constellation, for a dog with grace and beauty.
  • Orion – Named after the hunter constellation, for a dog with a strong and adventurous spirit.
  • Pegasus – After the winged horse constellation, for a dog with a free and spirited nature.
  • Perseus – Named after the hero constellation, for a brave and gallant dog.
  • Sagittarius – After the archer constellation, for a dog with a keen and adventurous spirit.
  • Scorpius – After the scorpion constellation, for a dog with a strong and resilient character.
  • Taurus – Named after the bull constellation, for a strong and steadfast dog.
  • Virgo – After the maiden constellation, for a pure and graceful dog.
  • Aquarius – After the water bearer constellation, for a dog with a free and flowing spirit.
  • Aries – Named after the ram constellation, for a bold and adventurous dog.
  • Gemini – After the twins constellation, perfect for a dog with a dual personality.
  • Cancer – Named after the crab constellation, for a dog with a strong outer shell and a soft interior.
  • Libra – After the scales constellation, for a balanced and fair-minded dog.
  • Pisces – Named after the fish constellation, for a dog with a fluid and adaptable personality.
  • Capricorn – After the goat-fish constellation, for a dog with a determined and resilient spirit.
  • Centaurus – After the centaur constellation, for a dog with a strong and adventurous spirit.
  • Hydra – Named after the largest constellation, for a dog with a long and enduring presence.
  • Lupus – After the wolf constellation, for a loyal and protective dog.
  • Ophiuchus – Named after the serpent bearer constellation, for a dog with a healing and protective nature.
  • Serpens – After the serpent constellation, for a dog with a subtle and mysterious character.

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Astrology Dog Names

  • Aries – For a dog with a courageous and enthusiastic spirit.
  • Taurus – Perfect for a loyal and reliable companion.
  • Gemini – For a dog with a curious and adaptable personality.
  • Cancer – Ideal for a nurturing and protective pet.
  • Leo – For a dog with a bold and regal demeanor.
  • Virgo – Perfect for a meticulous and attentive dog.
  • Libra – For a dog that brings harmony and balance to your home.
  • Scorpio – Ideal for a passionate and strong-willed dog.
  • Sagittarius – For a dog with a love for adventure and exploration.
  • Capricorn – Perfect for a disciplined and patient pet.
  • Aquarius – For a dog with a unique and innovative spirit.
  • Pisces – Ideal for a compassionate and intuitive companion.
  • Mercury – Named after the planet of communication, for a dog that loves to “talk.”
  • Venus – After the planet of love and beauty, for a dog with a loving and beautiful spirit.
  • Mars – Named after the planet of action, for a dynamic and energetic dog.
  • Jupiter – For a dog with a grand and benevolent nature.
  • Saturn – Perfect for a dog with wisdom and discipline.
  • Uranus – For a dog with a quirky and eccentric personality.
  • Neptune – Ideal for a dog with a dreamy and intuitive nature.
  • Pluto – For a dog with a powerful and transformative presence.
  • Chiron – Named after the asteroid symbolizing healing, for a therapeutic companion.
  • Ceres – After the dwarf planet representing nurturing, for a caring and protective dog.
  • Pallas – Named after the asteroid associated with wisdom, for a smart and insightful dog.
  • Juno – For a dog that embodies loyalty and commitment.
  • Vesta – Named after the asteroid representing hearth and home, for a dog that’s central to your family.
  • Eris – For a dog with a strong and rebellious spirit.
  • Sedna – After the distant trans-Neptunian object, for a dog with a mysterious and extraordinary character.
  • Makemake – Named after the dwarf planet, for a dog with a creative and resourceful nature.
  • Haumea – For a dog with a unique and distinctive personality, named after the dwarf planet.
  • Varuna – After the hypothetical outer planet, for a dog with a vast and encompassing presence.
  • Quaoar – Named after the object in the Kuiper belt, for a dog with an exploratory and adventurous spirit.

Naming your dog after a celestial body or concept not only gives them a unique name but also connects them to the vast and mysterious universe we are all a part of. Whether you’re drawn to the names of stars, planets, constellations, or astrological signs, there’s a cosmic name out there that’s perfect for your new canine companion.

Further Reading

list of star dog names
List Of Star Dog Names