105+ Pokemon Dog Names

Pokemon dog names have become increasingly popular among dog owners who are also fans of the popular game franchise. With over 800 Pokemon species to choose from, it can be overwhelming to pick a name for your furry friend. Fortunately, there are plenty of dog-like Pokemon that make great name options. Here are some of the top Pokemon dog names!
Female Pokemon Dog Names

If you have a female dog and you’re a fan of Pokemon, why not give her a name inspired by the popular franchise? Here are some female Pokemon dog names to choose from:
- Bulbasaur – This grass and poison type Pokemon is known for its bulb on its back.
- Charmander – A fire type Pokemon with a flame on its tail.
- Squirtle – A water type Pokemon with a shell on its back.
- Jigglypuff – A normal and fairy type Pokemon known for its singing.
- Meowth – A normal type Pokemon known for its ability to speak human language.
- Vulpix – A fire type Pokemon with six tails.
- Pikachu – An electric type Pokemon known for its iconic lightning bolt tail.
- Clefairy – A fairy type Pokemon known for its cuteness.
- Ninetales – A fire type Pokemon with nine tails.
- Gyarados – A water and flying type Pokemon known for its fierce appearance.
- Eevee – A normal type Pokemon known for its ability to evolve into different types.
- Articuno – An ice and flying type legendary Pokemon.
- Mew – A psychic type legendary Pokemon known for its cuteness.
- Chikorita – A grass type Pokemon known for its leaf on its head.
- Cyndaquil – A fire type Pokemon known for its flames on its back.
- Totodile – A water type Pokemon known for its sharp teeth.
- Espeon – A psychic type Pokemon known for its graceful appearance.
- Umbreon – A dark type Pokemon known for its sleek appearance.
- Suicune – A water type legendary Pokemon known for its beauty.
- Celebi – A psychic and grass type legendary Pokemon known for its time-traveling abilities.
- Latias – A dragon and psychic type legendary Pokemon known for its caring nature.
- Jirachi – A steel and psychic type legendary Pokemon known for its wish-granting abilities.
- Gardevoir – A psychic and fairy type Pokemon known for its elegance.
- Lopunny – A normal type Pokemon known for its cuteness and agility.
- Lucario – A fighting and steel type Pokemon known for its loyalty.
- Glaceon – An ice type Pokemon known for its beauty.
- Leafeon – A grass type Pokemon known for its leafy appearance.
- Zorua – A dark type Pokemon known for its mischievous nature.
- Sylveon – A fairy type Pokemon known for its cuteness and love.
- Litten – A fire type Pokemon known for its playful nature.
- Popplio – A water type Pokemon known for its bubbly personality.
- Rowlet – A grass and flying type Pokemon known for its cute appearance.
- Mimikyu – A ghost and fairy type Pokemon known for its disguise.
- Tapu Lele – A psychic and fairy type legendary Pokemon known for its beauty.
- Nihilego – A poison and rock type ultra beast Pokemon known for its otherworldly appearance.
- Lunala – A psychic and ghost type legendary Pokemon known for its beauty and power.
- Magearna – A steel and fairy type legendary Pokemon known for its mechanical appearance.
- Komala – A normal type Pokemon known for its sleeping habits.
- Alcremie – A fairy type Pokemon known for its sweet appearance.
- Toxtricity – An electric and poison type Pokemon known for its rebellious nature.
- Eternatus – A poison and dragon type legendary Pokemon known for its power and destruction.
These are just a few of the many female Pokemon dog names to choose from. Whether you prefer a cute and cuddly name or a fierce and powerful name, there’s sure to be a name on this list that’s perfect for your furry friend.
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Male Pokemon Dog Names

When it comes to naming a male dog after a Pokemon, there are plenty of options to choose from. Here are some male Pokemon dog names that are perfect for your furry friend:
- Charizard – This fiery dragon-type Pokemon is a great name for a dog with a lot of energy.
- Blastoise – A strong and powerful water-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a large breed dog.
- Pikachu – The iconic electric-type Pokemon that is perfect for a small and energetic dog.
- Squirtle – A cute and playful water-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a smaller breed dog.
- Machamp – A strong and muscular fighting-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a large and powerful dog.
- Gyarados – A fierce and intimidating water/flying-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a guard dog.
- Snorlax – A sleepy and lazy normal-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a dog that loves to relax.
- Typhlosion – A fiery and powerful fire-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a dog with a lot of energy.
- Dragonite – A friendly and playful dragon/flying-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a dog that loves to play.
- Lucario – A loyal and brave fighting/steel-type Pokemon that would make a great name for a protective dog.
- Arcanine – A majestic and powerful fire-type Pokémon, perfect for a noble and brave dog.
- Bulbasaur – A grass/poison-type Pokémon, ideal for a dog that loves the outdoors.
- Cubone – A ground-type Pokémon with a unique appearance, suitable for a dog with a strong personality.
- Dewgong – A serene water/ice-type Pokémon, great for a calm and graceful dog.
- Electabuzz – An electric-type Pokémon, fitting for an energetic and lively dog.
- Feraligatr – A fierce water-type Pokémon, perfect for a strong and assertive dog.
- Golduck – A water-type Pokémon with a sleek appearance, suitable for a smart and agile dog.
- Hitmonlee – A fighting-type Pokémon, ideal for a dog with strong legs and a spirited personality.
- Infernape – A fire/fighting-type Pokémon, great for an active and adventurous dog.
- Jolteon – An electric-type Pokémon, fitting for a fast and energetic dog.
- Kangaskhan – A normal-type Pokémon, perfect for a protective and caring dog.
- Lapras – A gentle water/ice-type Pokémon, great for a kind and affectionate dog.
- Mewtwo – A legendary psychic-type Pokémon, suitable for a dog with a mysterious and powerful presence.
- Nidoking – A poison/ground-type Pokémon, ideal for a strong and commanding dog.
- Onix – A rock/ground-type Pokémon, fitting for a large and sturdy dog.
- Primeape – A fighting-type Pokémon, perfect for a feisty and spirited dog.
- Quagsire – A water/ground-type Pokémon, great for a happy-go-lucky and easygoing dog.
- Rhydon – A ground/rock-type Pokémon, suitable for a tough and resilient dog.
- Scyther – A bug/flying-type Pokémon, ideal for a swift and agile dog.
- Tauros – A normal-type Pokémon, perfect for an energetic and strong-willed dog.
- Umbreon – A dark-type Pokémon, fitting for a loyal and protective dog.
- Venusaur – A grass/poison-type Pokémon, great for a dog with a strong and sturdy presence.
- Wartortle – A water-type Pokémon, suitable for a dog that loves water and swimming.
- Xatu – A psychic/flying-type Pokémon, ideal for a dog with a mysterious and watchful nature.
- Yanmega – A bug/flying-type Pokémon, perfect for a fast and agile dog.
- Zapdos – A legendary electric/flying-type Pokémon, great for an energetic and powerful dog.
- Absol – A dark-type Pokémon, suitable for a dog with a unique and striking appearance.
- Bronzong – A steel/psychic-type Pokémon, ideal for a dog with a strong and resilient character.
- Croconaw – A water-type Pokémon, perfect for a playful and adventurous dog.
- Donphan – A ground-type Pokémon, great for a sturdy and dependable dog.
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Dog Names Inspired By Pokemons That Look Like Dogs

Here are some names inspired by Pokemons that resemble dogs:
- Arcanine – This fire-type Pokemon is known for its speed and power.
- Boltund – This electric-type Pokemon is known for its loyalty and ability to generate electricity.
- Eevee – This normal-type Pokemon can evolve into various forms, making it a versatile choice for a dog name.
- Electrike – This electric-type Pokemon is known for its speed and agility.
- Espeon – This psychic-type Pokemon is known for its grace and elegance.
- Furfrou – This normal-type Pokemon is known for its stylish fur and grooming.
- Granbull – This fairy-type Pokemon is known for its strength and toughness.
- Growlithe – This fire-type Pokemon is known for its loyalty and courage.
- Herdier – This normal-type Pokemon is known for its protectiveness and loyalty.
- Houndoom – This dark/fire-type Pokemon is known for its ferocity and power.
- Houndour – This dark/fire-type Pokemon is known for its loyalty and fierce nature.
- Lillipup – This normal-type Pokemon is known for its cuteness and playfulness.
- Lycanroc – This rock-type Pokemon is known for its fierce nature and loyalty.
- Mightyena – This dark-type Pokemon is known for its strength and cunning.
- Poochyena – This dark-type Pokemon is known for its tenacity and loyalty.
- Raikou – This electric-type Legendary Pokemon is known for its power and speed.
- Rockruff – This rock-type Pokemon is known for its loyalty and playfulness.
- Snubbull – This fairy-type Pokemon is known for its cuteness and toughness.
- Stoutland – This normal-type Pokemon is known for its protectiveness and loyalty.
- Suicune – This water-type Legendary Pokemon is known for its grace and beauty.
- Therian Forme Landorus – This ground/flying-type Legendary Pokemon is known for its power and strength.
- Therian Forme Thundurus – This electric/flying-type Legendary Pokemon is known for its speed and agility.
- Zoroark – This dark-type Pokemon is known for its cunning and ability to transform.
- Zorua – This dark-type Pokemon is known for its playfulness and cunning.
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Creative Naming Tips
Coming up with a name for your new furry friend can be a daunting task. However, by taking inspiration from the world of Pokémon, you can find a name that is both unique and meaningful. Here are some creative naming tips to help you come up with the perfect Pokémon dog name.
Combining Pokemon Traits
One way to come up with a creative name for your dog is to combine traits from different Pokémon. For example, if your dog is cute and charming, you could combine the names of two Pokémon that share those traits, such as Jigglypuff and Charmeleon, to create “Jigglycham”. Similarly, if your dog is regal and majestic, you could combine the names of two Pokémon that share those traits, such as Kingdra and Arcanine, to create “Kinganine”.
Incorporating Pokemon Moves and Types
Another way to come up with a creative name for your dog is to incorporate Pokémon moves and types into the name. For example, if your dog is fast and agile, you could name them after a move like Quick Attack, or a Pokémon with a similar speed, such as Ninjask. Alternatively, if your dog has a fiery personality, you could name them after a fire-type Pokémon, such as Charmander or Torchic.
When choosing a Pokémon dog name, it’s important to consider the generations of games and the franchise as a whole. While some names may be more recognizable to fans of the early generations, others may be more popular among fans of the newer games. Additionally, it’s important to consider the gender of your dog, as some names may be more suitable for a male or female dog.
Incorporating these tips into your naming process can help you come up with a unique and meaningful Pokémon dog name for your new furry friend.