280+ Greek Mythology Dog Names

Greek mythology offers a treasure trove of inspiration for naming your dog. Whether you’re drawn to the powerful gods and goddesses, the fascinating heroes and demi-gods, or the captivating tales woven throughout mythological narratives, there’s a perfect mythological name for every pup. Below, we explore various categories of Greek mythology-inspired names for your canine companion.
Greek God Dog Names
- Zeus – The king of the gods, associated with the sky and thunder.
- Apollo – God of music, arts, knowledge, and the sun.
- Ares – The god of war, known for his strength and courage.
- Hermes – Messenger of the gods, god of trade, thieves, and travel.
- Poseidon – God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.
- Hephaestus – The god of fire, metalworking, and crafts.
- Dionysus – God of wine, festivities, and ecstasy.
- Hades – Ruler of the underworld and the dead.
- Helios – The personification of the sun.
- Chronos – The god of time, not to be confused with Cronus, the Titan father of Zeus.
- Oceanus – Titan god of the ocean.
- Hyperion – Titan of light.
- Atlas – Titan condemned to hold up the sky for eternity.
- Prometheus – The Titan who gave fire to humanity.
- Eros – God of love and attraction.
- Pan – God of the wild, shepherds, and flocks.
- Hermes – Known for his speed and being a messenger.
- Orion – A great hunter turned into a constellation.
- Zephyrus – The god of the west wind.
- Aeolus – Keeper of the winds.
- Boreas – The North wind.
- Notus – The South wind.
- Eurus – The East wind.
- Cronus – The leader of the Titans, father of Zeus.
- Uranus – The sky god and the first ruler.
- Helios – God of the sun, who rides his chariot across the sky.
- Selene – God of the moon.
- Asclepius – God of healing and medicine.
- Morpheus – God of dreams.
- Hypnos – God of sleep.
- Thanatos – Personification of death.
- Janus – God of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, and endings.
- Plutus – God of wealth.
- Aether – The god of the upper air.
- Anemoi – The collective name for the gods of the winds.
- Triton – A merman, son of Poseidon.
- Charon – The ferryman of the dead.
- Erebus – Personification of darkness.
- Nereus – The old man of the sea.
- Pontus – Ancient, pre-Olympian sea-god.
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Greek Goddess Dog Names
- Athena – Goddess of wisdom, courage, and warfare.
- Artemis – Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth.
- Aphrodite – Goddess of love, beauty, and desire.
- Hera – Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage and birth.
- Demeter – Goddess of the harvest and agriculture.
- Hestia – Goddess of the hearth, home, and family.
- Persephone – Queen of the underworld and goddess of spring growth.
- Selene – Goddess of the moon.
- Eos – Goddess of the dawn.
- Iris – Goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.
- Nike – Goddess of victory.
- Hebe – Goddess of youth.
- Tyche – Goddess of fortune and prosperity.
- Nemesis – Goddess of retribution.
- Themis – Goddess of justice and order.
- Gaia – Personification of the Earth.
- Rhea – Mother of the gods, goddess of fertility and motherhood.
- Leto – Mother of Apollo and Artemis.
- Metis – Goddess of wisdom, first wife of Zeus.
- Astraea – Goddess of innocence and purity.
- Eris – Goddess of strife and discord.
- Harmonia – Goddess of harmony and concord.
- Dike – Goddess of justice, fair judgements and the rights established by custom and law.
- Hecate – Goddess of magic, crossroads, and ghosts.
- Thetis – Sea nymph and mother of Achilles.
- Europa – A Phoenician princess whom Zeus abducted.
- Calypso – The nymph who kept Odysseus on her island.
- Echo – A nymph who could only repeat the words of others.
- Nyx – Goddess of the night.
- Ananke – Goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity.
- Hemera – Goddess of the daytime.
- Theia – Titaness of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky.
- Mnemosyne – Goddess of memory and remembrance.
- Tethys – Titaness of the sea.
- Electra – One of the seven Pleiades and mother of Iris and Harpies.
- Aura – Titaness of the breeze and the fresh, cool air of early morning.
- Doris – Sea nymph, representing the bounty of the sea.
- Eurydice – A nymph, wife of Orpheus, known for her tragic love story.
- Clio – Muse of history.
- Calliope – Muse of epic poetry.
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Dog Names Inspired by Greek Myths
- Argo – Named after the ship of Jason and the Argonauts.
- Cerberus – The three-headed dog guarding the entrance to the underworld.
- Phoenix – A mythical bird that regenerates from its ashes.
- Chimera – A fire-breathing creature, part lion, goat, and serpent.
- Pegasus – The winged horse born from Medusa’s blood.
- Hydra – The serpent-like monster with multiple heads.
- Sphinx – The creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion.
- Minotaur – The creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man.
- Nyx – After the goddess of the night, for a dog with a dark coat.
- Echo – For a dog that follows you everywhere.
- Orion – The great hunter, for a dog with hunting instincts.
- Atlas – For a strong dog that seems to carry the world on its shoulders.
- Hercules – For a powerful and brave dog.
- Icarus – For a dog with a fearless spirit.
- Midas – For a dog with a golden coat.
- Narcissus – For a dog that loves its own reflection.
- Odysseus – For a dog with a spirit of adventure.
- Achilles – For a dog with great strength but a single weakness.
- Theseus – For a dog with a heroic spirit.
- Perseus – For a dog that’s a protector.
- Daedalus – For an intelligent, cunning dog.
- Iris – After the goddess of the rainbow, for a dog with a vibrant personality.
- Selene – For a dog with a gentle, calming presence.
- Eos – For a dog with a bright, cheerful disposition.
- Hestia – For a dog that is the heart of your home.
- Demeter – For a dog that loves the outdoors and nature.
- Artemis – For a dog that loves to hunt or roam the wilderness.
- Apollo – For a dog with a sunny disposition or healing presence.
- Ares – For a fierce, loyal protector.
- Hephaestus – For a dog with a strong, steadfast nature.
- Dionysus – For a dog that loves to play and bring joy.
- Hermes – For a quick, agile dog.
- Poseidon – For a dog that loves water.
- Zeus – For a dog with a commanding presence.
- Hera – For a dog with a regal, dignified demeanor.
- Aphrodite – For a dog with a loving, beautiful spirit.
- Athena – For a wise, intelligent dog.
- Hades – For a dog with a mysterious, enigmatic nature.
- Persephone – For a dog that brings life and joy into your home.
- Eros – For a dog that loves unconditionally.
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Dog Names Inspired by the Underworld
- Cerberus – The famed three-headed dog guarding the underworld’s gates.
- Hades – Ruler of the underworld, for a dog with a commanding presence.
- Persephone – Queen of the underworld, for a dog that thrives in both light and dark.
- Charon – The ferryman of the dead, for a dog with a guiding spirit.
- Styx – The river that forms the boundary between Earth and the Underworld.
- Erebus – The personification of darkness and shadow.
- Thanatos – The personification of death, for a fearless dog.
- Nyx – The goddess of the night, for a dog with a dark coat.
- Hecate – Goddess of magic and ghosts, for a dog with a mysterious aura.
- Acheron – One of the five rivers of the underworld, representing pain.
- Lethe – The river of forgetfulness, for a dog that eases your sorrows.
- Phlegethon – The river of fire, for a dog with a fiery spirit.
- Tartarus – The deepest part of the underworld, for a dog with a deep, booming bark.
- Morpheus – The god of dreams, for a dog that loves to sleep.
- Hypnos – The god of sleep, for a peaceful, calm dog.
- Orpheus – A legendary musician who ventured into the underworld.
- Eurydice – Orpheus’s lost love, for a dog with a heartbreaking howl.
- Sisyphus – For a dog that never gives up, no matter the challenge.
- Tantalus – For a dog that always seems to be reaching for something just out of reach.
- Ixion – For a dog with a boundless energy that never tires.
- Danaides – For a dog that is always busy, like the fifty sisters condemned to fill leaky jars.
- Melinoe – A goddess of ghosts, for a dog with a ghostly presence.
- Macaria – Goddess of blessed death, for a dog with a peaceful demeanor.
- Minos – One of the judges of the dead, for a dog with a discerning nature.
- Rhadamanthus – A judge of the dead, for a fair and just dog.
- Aeacus – Another judge of the dead, for a dog with a strong sense of duty.
- Lampades – The torch-bearing nymphs of the underworld.
- Keres – Spirits of violent or cruel death, for a dog with a fierce protective instinct.
- Erinyes – The Furies, goddesses of vengeance, for a dog that never forgets.
- Asphodel – The meadow where ordinary souls were sent, for an everyday companion.
- Nemesis – The goddess of retribution, for a dog that balances the scales.
- Alecto – One of the Furies, for a dog with relentless energy.
- Megaera – A Fury known for grudges, for a dog with a long memory.
- Tisiphone – A Fury focused on punishment, for a dog with a strict nature.
- Orcus – A god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths.
- Menoetes – An underworld herdsman, for a dog that loves to herd.
- Aeaea – The island of Circe, for a dog with enchanting eyes.
- Cocytus – The river of wailing, for a dog with a mournful howl.
- Leuce – The white poplar tree in the Elysian Fields, for a dog with a light, pure coat.
- Elysium – The final resting place of the virtuous, for a dog that brings paradise.
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Dog Names Inspired by Greek Heroes
- Achilles – The greatest warrior of the Trojan War, known for his bravery.
- Hercules – The strongest of all mortals, known for his twelve labors.
- Odysseus – The clever hero of the Odyssey, known for his wisdom and cunning.
- Theseus – The slayer of the Minotaur and king of Athens
- Perseus – The hero who defeated Medusa and saved Andromeda.
- Jason – The leader of the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece.
- Ajax – The hero known for his strength and courage in the Trojan War.
- Orpheus – The legendary musician who charmed all living things and even stones.
- Hector – The Trojan prince and greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War.
- Paris – The Trojan prince whose abduction of Helen led to the Trojan War.
- Bellerophon – The hero who tamed and rode Pegasus to defeat the Chimera.
- Diomedes – Known for his participation in the Trojan War and for wounding two gods.
- Castor – One of the Dioscuri, known for his skill in taming and managing horses.
- Pollux – Castor’s twin, immortal and a skilled boxer.
- Philoctetes – The owner of Hercules’s bow and arrows, renowned for his archery.
- Atalanta – A fierce huntress and the only female Argonaut.
- Oedipus – Known for solving the riddle of the Sphinx and for his tragic fate.
- Cadmus – The founder of Thebes and slayer of the dragon.
- Heracles – Another name for Hercules, emphasizing his glory through Hera.
- Menelaus – The king of Sparta, husband of Helen, and key figure in the Trojan War.
- Agamemnon – The commander of the Greek forces in the Trojan War.
- Aeneas – A Trojan hero who traveled to Italy, where he became the ancestor of the Romans.
- Icarus – Known for his attempt to escape Crete with wings made of feathers and wax.
- Daedalus – The skilled craftsman who created the Labyrinth and the wings for Icarus.
- Nestor – The wise king known for his advice during the Trojan War.
- Achelois – A minor moon goddess, often sought for her healing pain relief.
- Patroclus – Achilles’ closest companion and warrior in the Trojan War.
- Meleager – The hero who led the hunt for the Calydonian boar.
- Peleus – Achilles’ father and the recipient of Thetis’s hand in marriage.
- Telamon – Father of Ajax, known for his role in the quest for the Golden Fleece.
- Linus – A musician and teacher of Hercules, known for his tragic death.
- Tantalus – For a dog that is always playful and perhaps a bit mischievous.
- Sisyphus – For a determined dog, always busy with a task.
- Eumaeus – The loyal swineherd who helps Odysseus reclaim his throne.
- Philoctetes – Known for his unerring aim with a bow.
- Electryon – For a dog with a commanding presence; he was a king of Mycenae.
- Leitus – A Boeotian hero in the Trojan War, known for his steadfastness.
- Idomeneus – The king of Crete who led his forces to the Trojan War.
- Meriones – A Cretan hero of the Trojan War, noted for his bravery.
- Tydeus – The father of Diomedes, known for his role in the expedition of the Seven Against Thebes.
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Dog Names Inspired by Demi-Gods
- Heracles – The most famous demi-god, known for his strength and his twelve labors.
- Achilles – A hero of the Trojan War, son of the nymph Thetis and Peleus.
- Perseus – The slayer of Medusa and a son of Zeus.
- Theseus – The founder-hero of Athens, known for defeating the Minotaur.
- Helen – A daughter of Zeus and the most beautiful woman, whose abduction led to the Trojan War.
- Castor and Pollux – The Dioscuri, twin brothers who shared immortality.
- Orpheus – A legendary musician and poet, son of Apollo and the muse Calliope.
- Asclepius – The god of medicine and healing, son of Apollo.
- Hippolyta – The queen of the Amazons, known for her magical girdle.
- Atlanta – A huntress who was not to marry unless her suitor could outrun her.
- Ajax – The great warrior of the Trojan War, son of Telamon.
- Antigone – The daughter of Oedipus, known for her tragic defiance.
- Icarus – Known for his fatal flight too close to the sun, son of Daedalus.
- Hector – A Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War.
- Paris – The Trojan prince who abducted Helen, leading to the Trojan War.
- Philoctetes – Renowned for his archery, he played a vital role in the Trojan War.
- Deianeira – The wife of Heracles, known for her tragic role in his death.
- Meleager – The hero who led the hunt for the Calydonian boar.
- Pelops – Famous for his chariot race to win his wife, Hippodamia.
- Bellerophon – The rider of Pegasus and slayer of the Chimera.
- Atalanta – A swift-footed heroine who participated in the Calydonian boar hunt.
- Cadmus – The founder of Thebes, known for sowing dragon’s teeth.
- Oedipus – Famous for solving the riddle of the Sphinx.
- Polydectes – The king who commanded Perseus to fetch the head of Medusa.
- Lynceus – Known for his keen sight, a member of the Argonauts.
- Idas – Known for his impetuous and fierce nature, involved in the Calydonian boar hunt.
- Clytemnestra – The wife of Agamemnon, known for her role in his murder.
- Electra – The daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, known for avenging her father’s death.
- Orestes – The son of Agamemnon, who avenged his father’s death.
- Iphigenia – The daughter of Agamemnon, who was offered as a sacrifice.
- Chryseis – A woman taken during the Trojan War, whose abduction caused a plague.
- Briseis – Achilles’ war prize, central to the conflict between him and Agamemnon.
- Nausicaa – The princess who helped Odysseus when he was shipwrecked.
- Eurydice – Orpheus’s wife, whose death led him to the underworld.
- Galatea – A sea nymph who was loved by the Cyclops Polyphemus.
- Penthesilea – The queen of the Amazons, who fought in the Trojan War.
- Aeneas – A Trojan hero, son of Venus, who traveled to Italy and became an ancestor of the Romans.
- Danae – The mother of Perseus, impregnated by Zeus in the form of golden rain.
- Leda – The mother of Helen and the Dioscuri, seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan.
- Semele – The mother of Dionysus, who was tricked by Hera into asking to see Zeus’s true form.
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Dog Names Inspired by Mythological Narratives
- Labyrinth – After the complex maze built for King Minos to contain the Minotaur.
- Golden Fleece – For a dog with a golden coat, inspired by Jason’s quest.
- Siren – For a dog with a captivating howl, inspired by the creatures who lured sailors to their doom.
- Argonaut – For a dog with a spirit of adventure, named after the sailors who accompanied Jason.
- Olympus – For a noble, regal dog, inspired by the home of the gods.
- Delphi – For a dog with a mysterious, oracular presence.
- Troy – For a dog with a strong, fortified spirit, inspired by the ancient city.
- Sparta – For a disciplined, warrior-like dog.
- Athena – For a wise and strategic dog, named after the goddess of wisdom.
- Hermes – For a quick, clever dog, inspired by the messenger god.
- Aphrodite – For a beautiful, loving dog, named after the goddess of love.
- Hercules – For a strong, determined dog, inspired by the hero’s labors.
- Medusa – For a dog with a striking presence, inspired by the woman with snakes for hair.
- Orion – For a dog who is a great hunter, named after the constellation.
- Pandora – For a curious dog, inspired by the first woman who opened the box.
- Phoenix – For a dog symbolizing renewal and resurrection.
- Titan – For a large, powerful dog, named after the ancient deities.
- Nectar – For a sweet, irresistible dog, inspired by the drink of the gods.
- Ambrosia – For a dog that seems divine, inspired by the food of the gods.
- Chaos – For a dog with a wild, unpredictable nature.
- Echo – For a dog that always has the last word, inspired by the nymph.
- Nemesis – For a dog that ensures justice is served.
- Odyssey – For a dog with a spirit of adventure and endurance.
- Pegasus – For a dog that seems to fly, rather than run.
- Atlas – For a dog that seems to carry the world on its shoulders.
- Hyperion – For a dog with a bright, sunny disposition.
- Prometheus – For a dog that brings light and knowledge.
- Psyche – For a dog with a beautiful soul.
- Sphinx – For a dog that poses riddles or is enigmatic.
- Styx – For a dog with a deep, mysterious nature.
- Elysium – For a dog that brings paradise wherever it goes.
- Icarus – For a dog with boundless energy and courage.
- Midas – For a dog that is highly valued or has a golden touch.
- Narcissus – For a dog that admires its own reflection.
- Oracle – For a dog that seems to understand more than it lets on.
- Sisyphus – For a dog that is persistently playful or mischievous.
- Tantalus – For a dog that always seems to want what it can’t have.
- Calypso – For a dog that captivates everyone’s heart.
- Helen – For a dog whose beauty is renowned.
- Trojan – For a dog that is strong and courageous, with a hint of cunning.
Choosing a name from Greek mythology can give your dog a name with a story and meaning behind it, celebrating the rich tapestry of mythological history and culture. Whether you’re inspired by the gods, heroes, or the many creatures and tales, there’s a perfect mythological name for every dog’s personality and spirit.
Further Reading