175+ Game of Thrones Dog Names

Game of Thrones has undoubtedly been one of the most popular TV shows of the last decade, with its epic storytelling, complex characters, and stunning visuals captivating audiences around the world. It’s no surprise that fans of the show have been inspired to name their pets after their favorite characters and locations from the series, particularly their furry friends. Game of Thrones dog names have become increasingly popular among dog owners, with many finding inspiration from the show’s vast array of characters and locations. So whether you’re a fan of the Stark family, the Lannisters, or the Targaryens, there are plenty of Game of Thrones dog names to choose from!
Female Game Of Thrones Dog Names

If you’re looking for a perfect name for your female pup inspired by the famous TV series Game of Thrones, then you’re in the right place. Here are some female Game of Thrones dog names that are sure to bring out your pup’s inner direwolf.
- Arya – A fierce and courageous character who can take care of herself.
- Brienne – A loyal and honorable warrior who is always ready to protect her loved ones.
- Cersei – A powerful and cunning queen who is not afraid to do whatever it takes to maintain her power.
- Daenerys – A strong and determined queen who is known for her love for dragons and freeing slaves.
- Ellaria – A fierce and passionate lover of Prince Oberyn Martell who seeks revenge for his death.
- Gilly – A gentle and kind-hearted wildling who falls in love with Samwell Tarly.
- Lyanna – A brave and beautiful princess who died fighting for her family’s honor.
- Margaery – A cunning and ambitious queen who is known for her beauty and political savvy.
- Melisandre – A mysterious and powerful priestess who serves the Lord of Light.
- Missandei – A loyal and intelligent adviser to Daenerys Targaryen.
- Myrcella – A sweet and innocent princess who is caught in the middle of a war between her family and their enemies.
- Obara – A fierce and skilled warrior who is one of the Sand Snakes.
- Osha – A brave and resourceful wildling who helps Bran and Rickon Stark escape from Winterfell.
- Sansa – A beautiful and kind-hearted princess who learns to be strong and resilient in the face of adversity.
- Shae – A beautiful and passionate woman who falls in love with Tyrion Lannister.
- Ygritte – A wild and free-spirited woman who falls in love with Jon Snow.
- Yara – A bold and fearless leader, known for her seafaring skills.
- Talisa – A compassionate and kind-hearted healer who marries Robb Stark.
- Selyse – A queen devoted to her faith and family.
- Roslin – Known for her beauty and her strategic marriage in the series.
- Meera – A loyal and brave companion, skilled in survival.
- Lyarra – A name reflecting the nobility and strength of Northern families.
- Jeyne – A character known for her innocence and tragic fate.
- Irri – A loyal handmaiden and companion.
- Helaena – A name befitting a dog with a regal and gentle nature.
- Eddara – Reflecting the strength and resilience of Northern women.
- Cassana – A name that evokes elegance and nobility.
- Barbrey – A strong-willed and independent character.
- Alys – A brave and resilient survivor.
- Alannys – A name perfect for a dog with a strong and determined character.
- Zhoe – Reflecting exotic beauty and mystery.
- Wynafryd – A name for a dog with a noble and gracious demeanor.
- Wenda – Perfect for a spirited and adventurous dog.
- Tyene – A name for a dog with a cunning and agile nature.
- Talla – Ideal for a dog with a gentle yet strong personality.
- Sarella – A name that suits an inquisitive and clever dog.
- Sarra – Perfect for a dog with a calm and gentle nature.
- Rhae – For a dog with a royal and majestic aura.
- Rhaella – A name befitting a dog with a dignified and gracious character.
- Nymeria – A warrior queen’s name, perfect for a fierce and independent dog.
- Myranda – Ideal for a dog that is both playful and loyal.
- Mya – A name for a strong and resilient dog.
- Marei – Perfect for a dog with a serene and graceful presence.
- Lysa – A name that reflects both strength and vulnerability.
- Joy – Ideal for a cheerful and lively dog.
- Jayne – A name for a dog that is both beautiful and kind.
- Donella – A name that exudes nobility and grace.
- Delonne – Perfect for a dog with a mysterious and elegant aura.
- Cyrenna – A name that suits a dog with a gentle and nurturing nature.
- Bethany – Ideal for a dog that is loyal and caring.
- Alerie – A name for a dog that is both graceful and kind-hearted.
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Male Game Of Thrones Dog Names

Here are some male Game of Thrones dog names that are perfect for your furry friend:
- Tyrion – Named after the beloved character known for his wit and cunning.
- Jon – Named after the honorable and brave Jon Snow.
- Robb – Named after the eldest son of the Stark family, known for his leadership skills.
- Ned – Named after the honorable and just Eddard Stark.
- Jaime – Named after the skilled swordsman and conflicted character Jaime Lannister.
- Jorah – Named after the loyal and devoted Jorah Mormont.
- Davos – Named after the reformed smuggler and loyal advisor to Stannis Baratheon.
- Bronn – Named after the skilled fighter and mercenary Bronn.
- Theon – Named after the conflicted and tortured Theon Greyjoy.
- Sandor – Named after the fierce and feared Sandor Clegane, also known as The Hound.
- Oberyn – Named after the charismatic and deadly Oberyn Martell.
- Gendry – Named after the skilled blacksmith and rightful heir to the Iron Throne.
- Tormund – Named after the wild and charismatic Tormund Giantsbane.
- Roose – Named after the cold and calculating Roose Bolton.
- Stannis – Named after the determined and ruthless Stannis Baratheon.
- Grey Worm – Named after the loyal and skilled leader of the Unsullied army.
- Ramsay – Named after the sadistic and cruel Ramsay Bolton.
- Tommen – Named after the young and innocent Tommen Baratheon.
- Petyr – Named after the cunning and manipulative Petyr Baelish, also known as Littlefinger.
- Robert – Named after the strong and charismatic Robert Baratheon.
- Khal – Named after the title given to the leaders of the Dothraki people.
- Qyburn – Named after the skilled and controversial Maester Qyburn.
- Edmure – Named after the kind and honorable Edmure Tully.
- Samwell – Named after the intelligent and loyal Samwell Tarly.
- Beric – Named after the skilled and resurrected Beric Dondarrion.
- Euron – Named after the cunning and ruthless Euron Greyjoy.
- Gilly – Named after the kind and gentle Gilly.
- Jaqen – Named after the mysterious and skilled Faceless Man Jaqen H’ghar.
- Mance – Named after the charismatic and determined Mance Rayder.
- Podrick – Named after the loyal and skilled squire Podrick Payne.
- Rickon – Named after the youngest son of the Stark family, known for his innocence and bravery.
- Rhaegar – Named after the honorable and tragic Rhaegar Targaryen.
- Robin – Named after the sickly and sheltered Robin Arryn.
- Salladhor – Named after the skilled and cunning pirate Salladhor Saan.
- Shireen – Named after the kind and intelligent Shireen Baratheon.
- Thoros – Named after the skilled and devoted Red Priest Thoros of Myr.
- Varys – Named after the cunning and mysterious Varys, also known as The Spider.
- Yoren – Named after the brave and loyal Night’s Watch recruiter Yoren.
- Brynden – Named after the skilled and loyal Brynden Tully.
- Grenn – Named after the loyal and brave Night’s Watchman Grenn.
- Hodor – Named after the loyal and simple-minded Hodor.
- Janos – Named after the cruel and cowardly Janos Slynt.
- Kevan – Named after the honorable and loyal Kevan Lannister.
- Lancel – Named after the conflicted and reformed Lancel Lannister.
- Meryn – Named after the cruel and corrupt Meryn Trant.
- Pycelle – Named after the old and manipulative Grand Maester Pycelle.
- Renly – Named after the charismatic and ambitious Renly Baratheon.
- Rodrik – Named after the skilled and loyal Rodrik Cassel.
- Viserys – Named after the ambitious and cruel Viserys Targaryen.
- Walder – Named after the old and ruthless Walder Frey.
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Dragon Inspired Game Of Thrones Dog Names

Game of Thrones is known for its dragons, so why not name your furry friend after one of the show’s iconic fire-breathing creatures? Here are some dragon-inspired Game of Thrones dog names:
- Drogon – The largest and most aggressive of Daenerys’ dragons.
- Rhaegal – Named after Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow’s real father.
- Viserion – One of Daenerys’ dragons who was tragically turned into a wight by the Night King.
- Balerion – The dragon who helped Aegon Targaryen conquer Westeros.
- Meraxes – The dragon ridden by Rhaenys Targaryen during the War of Conquest.
- Vhagar – One of Aegon’s dragons who lived for over a century.
- Syrax – A dragon ridden by Rhaenyra Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Drogon II – A dragon ridden by Aegon II Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Meleys – A dragon ridden by Rhaenys Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Tessarion – A dragon ridden by Rhaenyra Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Sunfyre – A dragon ridden by Aegon II Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Stormcloud – One of the dragons owned by House Celtigar.
- Vermax – One of Aegon’s dragons who was ridden by Prince Jacaerys Velaryon during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Arrax – One of Aegon’s dragons who was ridden by Prince Daemon Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Dreamfyre – A dragon ridden by Rhaena Targaryen during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Cannibal – A wild dragon who lived on Dragonstone.
- Grey Ghost – A dragon owned by House Greyjoy.
- Sheepstealer – A wild dragon who lived in the Vale.
- Seasmoke – A dragon owned by House Velaryon.
- Tyraxes – A dragon ridden by Aerea Targaryen.
- Morghul – A dragon ridden by Nettles during the Dance of the Dragons.
- Rhaegal II – A dragon ridden by Aegon III Targaryen.
- Shrykos – A dragon ridden by Aegon III Targaryen.
- Silverwing – A dragon ridden by Queen Alysanne Targaryen.
- Vermithor – One of Aegon’s dragons who was ridden by Ser Hugh Hammer during the Dance of the Dragons.
These names are perfect for any Game of Thrones fan looking to give their dog a unique and powerful name.
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Direwolf Inspired Game Of Thrones Dog Names

Direwolves are a large species of wolves, used as a famous sigil of the house Stark in Westeros. Here are some Game of Thrones dog names inspired by the Direwolves:
- Ghost – Jon Snow’s albino Direwolf, loyal and fierce.
- Nymeria – Arya Stark’s Direwolf who roamed the Riverlands.
- Grey Wind – Robb Stark’s Direwolf who fought in many battles.
- Lady – Sansa Stark’s Direwolf who was executed on Cersei’s orders.
- Summer – Bran Stark’s Direwolf who helped him during his journey.
- Shaggydog – Rickon Stark’s Direwolf who was killed by the Umbers.
- Leaf – A member of the Children of the Forest, who helped Bran Stark.
- Osha – A wildling who helped Bran and Rickon escape.
- Meera – Jojen Reed’s sister who helped Bran during his journey.
- Jojen – A greenseer who helped Bran understand his powers.
- Hodor – A gentle giant who helped Bran during his journey.
- Benjen – A ranger of the Night’s Watch who went missing beyond the Wall.
- Summerfang – A Direwolf who fought alongside Robb Stark.
- Whitetooth – A Direwolf who fought alongside Robb Stark.
- Greyscale – A disease that affected Shireen Baratheon.
- Winterfell – The ancestral home of House Stark.
- Stark – The noble house of the North.
- Winter – The season that lasts for years in Westeros.
- North – The region where the Starks rule.
- The Wall – A massive fortification that separates Westeros from the lands beyond.
- Beyond – The lands beyond the Wall, where dangers lurk.
- Warg – A person who can enter the mind of an animal.
- Skinchanger – A person who can enter the mind of an animal and control it.
- Dire – A word that means “terrible” or “fearsome,” fitting for a fierce dog.
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Dog Names Inspired by GoT Cast’s Real Names

Game of Thrones has an extensive cast of characters, and many of their names make great dog names. Here are some names inspired by the actors who portrayed them:
- Emilia – Emilia Clarke played Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons.
- Kit – Kit Harington played Jon Snow, the King in the North.
- Peter – Peter Dinklage played Tyrion Lannister, the Hand of the Queen.
- Lena – Lena Headey played Cersei Lannister, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
- Sophie – Sophie Turner played Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell.
- Maisie – Maisie Williams played Arya Stark, the Faceless Assassin.
- Nikolaj – Nikolaj Coster-Waldau played Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.
- Gwendoline – Gwendoline Christie played Brienne of Tarth, the Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.
- Iain – Iain Glen played Jorah Mormont, the Exiled Knight.
- Nathalie – Nathalie Emmanuel played Missandei, the Advisor to the Queen.
- Indira – Indira Varma played Ellaria Sand, the Lover of Oberyn Martell.
- Rory – Rory McCann played Sandor Clegane, the Hound.
- Conleth – Conleth Hill played Varys, the Master of Whisperers.
- Carice – Carice van Houten played Melisandre, the Red Woman.
- Kristofer – Kristofer Hivju played Tormund Giantsbane, the Wildling Leader.
- John – John Bradley played Samwell Tarly, the Maester in Training.
- Hannah – Hannah Murray played Gilly, the Wildling Mother.
- Jerome – Jerome Flynn played Bronn, the Sellsword.
- Mark – Mark Addy played Robert Baratheon, the Former King of the Seven Kingdoms.
- Sean – Sean Bean played Eddard Stark, the Former Hand of the King.
- Michelle – Michelle Fairley played Catelyn Stark, the Lady of Winterfell.
- Jason – Jason Momoa played Khal Drogo, the Leader of the Dothraki.
- Rose – Rose Leslie played Ygritte, the Wildling Warrior.
- Richard – Richard Madden played Robb Stark, the King in the North.
- Aidan – Aidan Gillen played Petyr Baelish, the Master of Coin.