100+ Biblical Dog Names

The Bible is a rich source of inspiration for pet names, with numerous stories, characters, places, and virtues that can be used as inspiration. Some popular biblical dog names include Aaron, Abel, Abigail, Elijah, Gideon, and Ruth. All of these names have their own unique meaning and symbolism, making it a great choice for pet owners who want to give their dogs a name that is both meaningful and fun.

Male Biblical Dog Names

Looking for a unique and meaningful name for your male dog? Why not consider a Biblical name? The Bible is a rich source of inspiration for dog names, with many powerful and meaningful names to choose from. Here are some male Biblical dog names to consider:

  • Aaron – meaning “mountain of strength”
  • Abel – meaning “breath”
  • Abraham – meaning “father of many”
  • Adam – meaning “man”
  • Amos – meaning “burden-bearer”
  • Andrew – meaning “manly”
  • Asher – meaning “happy” or “blessed”
  • Barak – meaning “lightning”
  • Barnabas – meaning “son of encouragement”
  • Bartholomew – meaning “son of Tolmai”
  • Benjamin – meaning “son of the right hand”
  • Boaz – meaning “swiftness”
  • Caleb – meaning “faithful”
  • Daniel – meaning “God is my judge”
  • David – meaning “beloved”
  • Elijah – meaning “Yahweh is my God”
  • Elisha – meaning “God is salvation”
  • Ephraim – meaning “fruitful”
  • Esau – meaning “hairy”
  • Ethan – meaning “firm” or “strong”
  • Gabriel – meaning “God is my strength”
  • Gideon – meaning “hewer” or “feller”
  • Hiram – meaning “exalted brother”
  • Isaac – meaning “laughter”
  • Isaiah – meaning “Yahweh is salvation”
  • Jacob – meaning “supplanter”
  • James – meaning “supplanter”
  • Jared – meaning “descent”
  • Jesse – meaning “gift”
  • Joel – meaning “Yahweh is God”
  • John – meaning “God is gracious”
  • Jonathan – meaning “Yahweh has given”
  • Joseph – meaning “God will increase”
  • Joshua – meaning “Yahweh is salvation”
  • Josiah – meaning “God supports”
  • Judah – meaning “praised”
  • Lazarus – meaning “God has helped”
  • Levi – meaning “joined” or “attached”
  • Luke – meaning “from Lucania”
  • Malachi – meaning “my messenger”
  • Mark – meaning “warlike”
  • Matthew – meaning “gift of Yahweh”
  • Micah – meaning “who is like Yahweh?”
  • Moses – meaning “drawn out”
  • Nathanael – meaning “gift of God”
  • Nathan – meaning “he gave”
  • Nehemiah – meaning “comforted by Yahweh”
  • Noah – meaning “rest” or “comfort”
  • Obadiah – meaning “servant of Yahweh”
  • Paul – meaning “small”
  • Peter – meaning “rock”
  • Philip – meaning “lover of horses”
  • Reuben – meaning “behold, a son”
  • Samuel – meaning “heard by God”
  • Saul – meaning “asked for”
  • Seth – meaning “appointed”
  • Silas – meaning “of the forest”
  • Simon – meaning “he has heard”
  • Solomon – meaning “peaceful”
  • Stephen – meaning “crown”
  • Thaddeus – meaning “courageous heart”
  • Thomas – meaning “twin”
  • Timothy – meaning “honoring God”
  • Titus – meaning “pleasing”
  • Zachariah – meaning “Yahweh remembers”

Read Also: Royal Dog Names

Female Biblical Dog Names

If you’re looking for a perfect name for your female dog, you might want to consider a biblical name. Here are some female biblical dog names that you might find appealing:

  • Abigail – “my father’s joy”
  • Adah – “ornament”
  • Anna – “grace”
  • Bethany – “house of figs”
  • Candace – “queen mother”
  • Chloe – “green herb”
  • Deborah – “bee”
  • Delilah – “delicate”
  • Dinah – “judged”
  • Dorcas – “gazelle”
  • Eden – “delight”
  • Elizabeth – “God is my oath”
  • Esther – “star”
  • Eve – “life”
  • Faith – “belief”
  • Hannah – “grace”
  • Huldah – “weasel”
  • Jael – “mountain goat”
  • Joanna – “God is gracious”
  • Judith – “woman of Judea”
  • Julia – “youthful”
  • Junia – “youthful”
  • Keziah – “cassia tree”
  • Leah – “weary”
  • Lois – “better”
  • Lydia – “from Lydia”
  • Magdalene – “from Magdala”
  • Martha – “lady”
  • Mary – “bitter”
  • Miriam – “rebellious”
  • Naomi – “pleasant”
  • Olive – “olive tree”
  • Orpah – “back of the neck”
  • Phoebe – “bright”
  • Priscilla – “ancient”
  • Rachel – “ewe”
  • Rebekah – “to tie firmly”
  • Rhoda – “rose”
  • Ruth – “companion”
  • Salome – “peaceful”
  • Sarah – “princess”
  • Selah – “pause”
  • Serah – “abundance”
  • Shiloh – “peaceful”
  • Susanna – “lily”
  • Tabitha – “gazelle”
  • Tamar – “date palm”
  • Tirzah – “pleasantness”
  • Tryphena – “delicate”
  • Tryphosa – “luxurious”
  • Vashti – “beautiful”
  • Zilpah – “trickling”
  • Zipporah – “bird”

These names are not only unique and meaningful, but they also have a rich history and significance in the Bible. Choose a name that resonates with you and your dog’s personality, and you’ll have a perfect match.

Further Reading